Wednesday, July 18, 2012

through long and short

So I am in the mood to write a blog post. Yay! I had a few sparks of inspiration and failed attempts few months (or even years! -_-) ago. Hence, this is quite something!

So much for that, moving onnnn. . . ^^

I haven't had the best of manes. I was born with naturally curly-wavy-messy hair. lol (Just look at that cute baby girl with the signature messy hair look.) Hehe. As I welcomed teenagehood and young adulthood, as most girls do, I started taking care of myself more.

And who would ever dismiss the subject on what crowns us with glory? The crowning glory. Does it really? :)

Well, I've realized just now that I've bee through different lengths of hair. All along i thought I've had one single hairstyle, the dry, messy look. :)) But it's amusing to look back and realize how different i look at certain points of hair lengths.

From the long to the short, from the natural to the relaxed and rebonded to the confused cross-breed between the natural-treated. Here are chosen pictures of my hair lengths.

The Ancients... - Mid lengths

This was pre-college days. I was already wearing my hair down, as opposed to always wearing it as pony.

My hair was longer! But relatively natural. He he

Just after I had a hair cut. So it looks neat.

The Medieval... - Long

Pictures here are rebonded hair. This was after my college graduation, March 2011.

The Modern... - Short

So these are the "post-breakup" look. You know how you want to cut your hair to leave yesterday behind. LOOOL

There you go. It's funny how they're called Ancient, Medieval and Modern. for me, at least.. (-_-) he he

There's something I want to try out soon........ back to CURLY hair.

I'm tired to having to maintain straight hair when I am naturally wavy. :> Anyhow, curly has been back in season, so I could just blend in with the artificially curled hair. Who knows, mine might be better. LOL I just have to grow my hair, and then I'm going to currrrrl it. Purrrr :3